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We’re transforming legal learning through immersive audio streaming. Listen for free on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. To support us, please follow us wherever you listen — and consider providing us feedback or donating.

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“makes reading more flexible”

You’re busy. Reading can be time-consuming and tiring. dicta allows you to press play on your commute home, or while you’re out on a walk or cooking dinner.

Use our growing library and chapters function to prepare for next week’s hearing or presentation.

“helps me keep current on caselaw”

It’s valuable — for you and your clients — to have a general understanding of how the law is developing, particularly at the Supreme Court of Canada.

Use our summaries to be brought up to speed on the latest judgments.

“improves my reading speed and comprehension”

Reading’s not easy for everyone, all the time. Listening while reading can improve focus and efficiency — and lead to new insights.

Listen at 1.5-2x speed while following along in text to improve learning.

“provides caselaw and commentary all in one place”

Our growing collaborations with legal commentators provide excellent resources for our listeners to engage with — and understand the implications of — the latest big cases.

Listen to our featured blogs to stay informed on emerging legal trends.

Explore dicta's Latest Episodes

We are frequently adding to our library of episodes from the Supreme Court of Canada, various Courts of Appeal, and law blogs from prominent Canadian legal academics and practitioners. Check out some of our latest recordings below.

Supreme Court of Canada

Explore our growing library of Supreme Court of Canada cases. New judgments and their summaries are available shortly after they issue.

Administrative Law Blog

Discover new legal insights from commentary from some of Canada's most esteemed academics and practitioners.

Court of Appeal Summary

Keep up to date on topical decisions from various Courts of Appeal from across the country.


Find answers to commonly asked questions about dicta and our services.

How do I access dicta's content?

All of our content is available for free on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Please be sure to follow us wherever you listen.

Where can I find a complete list of dicta's available episodes?
Can I download recordings?

Yes,our recordings can be downloaded for offline listening.

How accurate are dicta's caselaw recordings?

All o caselaw recordings are reviewed for accuracy prior to publishing

Can I share recordings?

Yes — and please do!

Still have questions?

We're happy to answer them.

Tips for Listeners

Most major podcast streaming platforms, like Spotify and Apple Podcasts, offer simple tools to enhance your listening experience. Here are some tips to make the most of these tools.  

Using Chapters and Hyperlinked Timestamps

We add chapters or hyperlinked timestamps to every recording to allow you to go directly to the content that's important to you.

On Apple Podcasts, simply press play on the episode, expand the "now playing screen", scroll down to view the episode's chapters, and select the content that you're seeking. You can learn more about this process here.

On Spotify, there are two ways to go directly to specific content. On the mobile app, you can view the episode's chapters either below the episode description or by expanding the "now playing screen", scrolling down to view the episode's chapters, and selecting the content that you're seeking. This latter process is similar to that of Apple Podcasts. If you're having trouble, the information at this link may be helpful. The other method, on desktop or mobile, is to view the chapters and click on the hyperlinked timestamps in the episode's description.  

Changing the Playback Speed

Most major podcast streaming platforms will allow you to increase or slow down the playback speed. To do this, expand the "now playing screen", click on the "1x", and select one of the playback speed options provided by the platform. Although you may find that the audio seems more difficult to follow at different speeds, this feeling should go away over time as your brain becomes used to following at the new rate of speed.  

Searching for a Specific Episode

Spotify's mobile app allows listeners to search for specific episodes on channel. Simply pull down on your screen to reveal the search bar that connects directly and exclusively to our library.

Unfortunately, neither Spotify's desktop app nor Apple Podcasts provide search functionality directly within our library. You can still try to search for specific episodes using the apps' generic search functions, but note that this is likely to return a number of episodes hosted by other channels.

On any app, you can also simply view and scroll through our list of episodes to find the one that you're after. It will help you to note that all of our episodes are listed chronologically.

Saving a Noteworthy Point for Later

Unfortunately, we do not currently have the technology required to accommodate highlighting or note-taking through audio. We hope to remove this barrier through technology in the future. In the meantime, consider taking a screenshot of the timestamp of a noteworthy point you'd like to review later.